/* Dipendenze: - SDL2 sudo pacman -S sdl2 (archlinux) sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev (ubuntu) - SDL2_font sudo pacman -S sdl2_ttf (archlinux) sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev (ubuntu) */ #include #include #include #include #include #define SCREEN_WIDTH 900 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 900 #define BOARD_WIDTH 30 #define BOARD_HEIGHT 30 #define CELL_WIDTH ((SCREEN_WIDTH / BOARD_WIDTH)) #define CELL_HEIGHT ((SCREEN_HEIGHT / BOARD_HEIGHT)) #define MAX_SNAKE_MOVEMENT 0.15 #define MIN_SNAKE_MOVEMENT 0.06 #define STEP_SNAKE_MOVEMENT 0.03 #define MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH ((BOARD_WIDTH) * (BOARD_HEIGHT)) #define DELAY_FOOD_SPAWN 3 #define FOODS_COUNT 1 #define OBSTACLES_COUNT 20 #define FONT_PATH "./fonts/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf" // NOTE: to use these off has to be an int initialized to 0 #define STAR_OBSTACLE(game, off, x, y) \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x , y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x + 1, y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x - 1, y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x , y + 1}, 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x , y - 1}, 1}; #define HORIZONTAL_WALL_OBSACLE(game, off, x, y) \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x , y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x + 1, y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x + 1, y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x - 1, y} , 1}; \ (game)->obs[off++] = (Obstacle){(Pos) {x -2 , y} , 1}; // RGBA, Red Green Blue Alpha #define BACKGROUND_COLOR 0x000000FF #define GRID_COLOR 0xFFFFFFFF #define SNAKE_COLOR 0xEE72F100 #define FOOD_COLOR 0x77B28C00 #define OBSTACLE_COLOR 0x964B0000 #define SCORE_COLOR 0xFFFFFF00 // Tsoding // https://www.twitch.tv/tsoding // https://github.com/tsoding #define HEX_COLOR(hex) \ ((hex) >> (3 * 8)) & 0xFF, \ ((hex) >> (2 * 8)) & 0xFF, \ ((hex) >> (1 * 8)) & 0xFF, \ ((hex) >> (0 * 8)) & 0xFF // ------------------- // STRUTTURE DATI typedef enum { DIR_RIGHT = 0, DIR_UP, DIR_LEFT, DIR_DOWN, } Dir; typedef struct { int x; int y; } Pos; typedef struct { Pos pos; int score; } Food; typedef struct { Pos pos; int init; } Obstacle; typedef struct { Pos body[MAX_SNAKE_LENGTH]; int length; Dir dir; } Snake; typedef struct { Snake snake; Food food[FOODS_COUNT]; Obstacle obs[OBSTACLES_COUNT]; double game_speed; int quit; int global_score; } Game; // ------------------- // DICHIARAZIONI FUNZIONI void scc(int code); void *scp(void *ptr); int random_int_range(int low, int high); Pos random_board_pos(void); int pos_is_not_empty(Game *game, Pos p); Pos random_empty_board_pos(Game *game); void init_game(Game *game); Pos *get_snake_head(Snake *snake); int allow_snake_movement(int manual, Game *game); Pos peak_next_pos(Snake *snake, Dir new_dir); void move_snake(Game *game, Dir new_dir, int manual); void eat_food(Game *game, Food *f); void init_food(Game *game); int allow_refresh_food(void); Food *check_for_food(Game *game); void update_food(Game *game); int check_for_obstacles(Game *game); void update_game_speed(Game *game); void update_game_state(Game *game); void render_game(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game, TTF_Font *font); void render_snake(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game); void render_food(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game); void render_obstacles(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game); void render_game_score(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game, TTF_Font *font); void render_board(SDL_Renderer *renderer); void render_square(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Pos pos, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a); // ------------------- // VARIABILI GLOBALI Game GAME = {0}; // ------------------- // UTILS // Thanks Tsoding, once again :D void scc(int code) { if (code < 0) { printf("SDL error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } return; } void *scp(void *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) { printf("SDL error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } return ptr; } int random_int_range(int low, int high) { return (rand() % (high - low)) + low; } Pos random_board_pos(void) { Pos p = {0}; p.x = random_int_range(0, BOARD_WIDTH); p.y = random_int_range(0, BOARD_HEIGHT); return p; } Dir random_dir(void) { return (Dir) random_int_range(0, 4); } int pos_is_not_empty(Game *game, Pos p) { // Food is here? for (int i = 0; i < FOODS_COUNT; i++) { if (p.x == game->food[i].pos.x && p.y == game->food[i].pos.y) return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < game->snake.length; i++) { if (p.x == game->snake.body[i].x && p.y == game->snake.body[i].y) return 1; } for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLES_COUNT; i++) { if (p.x == game->obs[i].pos.x && p.y == game->obs[i].pos.y) return 1; } return 0; } Pos random_empty_board_pos(Game *game) { Pos p = {0}; do { p = random_board_pos(); } while (pos_is_not_empty(game, p)); return p; } // ------------------- // GAME LOGIC FUNCTIONS void init_game(Game *game) { // -- init snake game->snake.body[0] = random_board_pos(); game->snake.length = 1; game->snake.dir = random_dir(); init_food(game); // init obstacles int off = 0; STAR_OBSTACLE(game, off, 10, 10); HORIZONTAL_WALL_OBSACLE(game, off, 20, 20) game->quit = 0; game->global_score = 0; game->game_speed = MAX_SNAKE_MOVEMENT; } Pos *get_snake_head(Snake *snake) { return &snake->body[snake->length - 1]; } int allow_snake_movement(int manual, Game *game) { static struct timeval old_t = {0}; static struct timeval new_t = {0}; static int init = -1; double time_elapsed = -1; if (init == -1) { // -- first call to function init = 1; gettimeofday(&old_t, NULL); return manual ? 1 : 0; } gettimeofday(&new_t, NULL); time_elapsed = (double) (new_t.tv_usec - old_t.tv_usec) / 1000000 + (double) (new_t.tv_sec - old_t.tv_sec); if (!manual && time_elapsed < game->game_speed) { // not enough time has passed for automatic movement return 0; } else { old_t = new_t; return 1; } } Pos peak_next_pos(Snake *snake, Dir new_dir) { Pos new_pos; Pos *head_pos = get_snake_head(snake); switch(new_dir) { case DIR_RIGHT: new_pos.x = (head_pos->x + 1) % BOARD_WIDTH; new_pos.y = head_pos->y; break; case DIR_LEFT: new_pos.x = head_pos->x == 0 ? BOARD_WIDTH - 1 : head_pos->x - 1; new_pos.y = head_pos->y; break; case DIR_UP: new_pos.x = head_pos->x; new_pos.y = head_pos->y == 0 ? BOARD_HEIGHT - 1 : head_pos->y - 1; break; case DIR_DOWN: new_pos.x = head_pos->x; new_pos.y = (head_pos->y + 1) % BOARD_HEIGHT; break; } return new_pos; } void move_snake(Game *game, Dir new_dir, int manual) { if(!allow_snake_movement(manual, game)) { return; } Snake *snake = &game->snake; Pos new_pos = peak_next_pos(snake, new_dir); // cant move back to snake's own tail if (snake->length >= 2 && new_pos.x == snake->body[snake->length - 2].x && new_pos.y == snake->body[snake->length - 2].y) return; // perform movement Pos *head_pos = get_snake_head(snake); Pos old_pos = *head_pos; Pos tmp_pos = old_pos; *head_pos = new_pos; snake->dir = new_dir; for (int i = snake->length -2 ; i >= 0; i--) { tmp_pos = snake->body[i]; snake->body[i] = old_pos; old_pos = tmp_pos; } } void eat_food(Game *game, Food *f) { Snake *snake = &game->snake; // eat food game->global_score += f->score; f->score = 0; // grow snake's body Pos new_pos = peak_next_pos(snake, snake->dir); snake->length += 1; snake->body[snake->length - 1] = new_pos; return; } void init_food(Game *game) { for (int i = 0; i < FOODS_COUNT; i++) { game->food[i].score = 1; game->food[i].pos = random_empty_board_pos(game); } return; } int allow_refresh_food(void) { // TODO: check if (OS) windows has it static struct timeval old_t = {0}; static struct timeval new_t = {0}; static int init = -1; Uint32 time_elapsed = -1; if (init == -1) { init = 1; gettimeofday(&old_t, NULL); return 1; } gettimeofday(&new_t, NULL); time_elapsed = (double) (new_t.tv_usec - old_t.tv_usec) / 1000000 + (double) (new_t.tv_sec - old_t.tv_sec); if (time_elapsed < DELAY_FOOD_SPAWN) { return 0; } else { old_t = new_t; return 1; } } Food *check_for_food(Game *game) { Snake *snake = &game->snake; Pos head_pos = *get_snake_head(snake); for (int i = 0; i < FOODS_COUNT; i++) { Food *f = &game->food[i]; if(f->pos.x == head_pos.x && f->pos.y == head_pos.y && f->score > 0) { return f; } } return NULL; } void update_food(Game *game) { if (allow_refresh_food()) { init_food(game); } return; } void update_game_speed(Game *game) { double step_update = game->global_score * STEP_SNAKE_MOVEMENT; if (MAX_SNAKE_MOVEMENT - step_update < MIN_SNAKE_MOVEMENT) { game->game_speed = MIN_SNAKE_MOVEMENT; } else { game->game_speed = MAX_SNAKE_MOVEMENT - step_update; } return; } int check_for_obstacles(Game *game) { Snake *s = &game->snake; Pos head_pos = *get_snake_head(s); // did we go into our own tail? for (int i = 0; i < s->length - 2; i++) { if (s->body[i].x == head_pos.x && s->body[i].y == head_pos.y) return 1; } // or against an initialized obstacle? for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLES_COUNT; i++) { Obstacle ob = game->obs[i]; if (ob.init && ob.pos.x == head_pos.x && ob.pos.y == head_pos.y) return 1; } return 0; } void update_game_state(Game *game) { move_snake(&GAME, GAME.snake.dir, 0); GAME.quit |= check_for_obstacles(&GAME); Food *f = check_for_food(&GAME); if (f) { eat_food(&GAME, f); update_game_speed(&GAME); } update_food(&GAME); } // ------------------- // RENDER FUNCTIONS void render_game(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game, TTF_Font *font) { scc(SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, HEX_COLOR(BACKGROUND_COLOR))); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); // render_board(renderer); render_snake(renderer, game); render_food(renderer, game); render_obstacles(renderer, game); render_game_score(renderer, game, font); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } void render_board(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { scc(SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, HEX_COLOR(GRID_COLOR))); for(int x = 0; x < BOARD_WIDTH; x++) { SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, x * CELL_WIDTH, 0, // starting (x_1, y_1) x * CELL_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT // ending (x_2, y_2) ); } for(int y = 0; y < BOARD_HEIGHT; y++) { SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, 0, y * CELL_HEIGHT, // starting (x_1, y_1) SCREEN_WIDTH, y * CELL_HEIGHT // ending (x_2, y_2) ); } } void render_snake(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game) { for (int i = game->snake.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { render_square(renderer, game->snake.body[i], HEX_COLOR(SNAKE_COLOR)); } } void render_food(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game) { for (int i = 0; i < FOODS_COUNT; i++) { if (game->food[i].score == 0) { continue; // Skip foods that have already been eaten } render_square(renderer, game->food[i].pos, HEX_COLOR(FOOD_COLOR)); } } void render_obstacles(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game) { scc(SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, HEX_COLOR(OBSTACLE_COLOR))); for (int i = 0; i < OBSTACLES_COUNT; i++) { Obstacle ob = game->obs[i]; if (!ob.init) // do not render Uninitialized obstacles continue; render_square(renderer, ob.pos, HEX_COLOR(OBSTACLE_COLOR)); } } void render_game_score(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Game *game, TTF_Font *font) { static SDL_Surface *surface; static SDL_Texture *texture; static int init = -1; static int prev_score = -1; if(prev_score == game->global_score) { // -- nothing to update return; } if (init != -1) { // -- clean previous allocations SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); } // -- create new string char str[32]; sprintf(str, "Score: %d", game->global_score); // -- allocate it and display it surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, str, (SDL_Color){HEX_COLOR(SCORE_COLOR)}); if(!surface) { printf("Error: %s\n", TTF_GetError()); exit(1); } texture = scp(SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface)); int textW = 0; int textH = 0; SDL_QueryTexture(texture, NULL, NULL, &textW, &textH); SDL_Rect text_rect = {0, 0, textW, textH}; SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, &text_rect); } /* Draws a square in the grid at position (pos.x, pos.y) with the specified color. */ void render_square(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Pos pos, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a) { scc(SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, r, g, b, a)); SDL_Rect rect = { (int) floorf(pos.x * CELL_WIDTH), (int) floorf(pos.y * CELL_HEIGHT), (int) floorf(CELL_WIDTH), (int) floorf(CELL_HEIGHT), }; scc(SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &rect)); } // ------------------- int main(void) { srand(time(0)); // init classic SDL SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_Window *const window = scp(SDL_CreateWindow("Description", 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE)); SDL_Renderer *const renderer = scp(SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED)); // init font TTF_Init(); TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont(FONT_PATH, 30); if(!font) { printf("Error loading font `%s`: %s\n", FONT_PATH, TTF_GetError()); exit(1); } init_game(&GAME); while(!GAME.quit) { SDL_Event event; // event handling while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { GAME.quit = 1; } if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: { move_snake(&GAME, DIR_UP, 1); break; } case SDLK_DOWN: { move_snake(&GAME, DIR_DOWN, 1); break; } case SDLK_LEFT: { move_snake(&GAME, DIR_LEFT, 1); break; } case SDLK_RIGHT: { move_snake(&GAME, DIR_RIGHT, 1); break; } } } } // main logic loop update_game_state(&GAME); // rendering stuff render_game(renderer, &GAME, font); } TTF_CloseFont(font); TTF_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }