--------------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott%27s_Pi?oldformat=true Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 2 is: 0.461833893423 Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 3 is: 0.475138121547 Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 4 is: 0.450867052023 Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 5 is: 0.704556835253 Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 6 is: 0.39364773821 Scott's pi coefficient for 1, 7 is: 0.397810218978 Scott's pi coefficient for 2, 3 is: 0.406324868232 Scott's pi coefficient for 2, 4 is: 0.385111662531 Scott's pi coefficient for 2, 5 is: 0.372811534501 Scott's pi coefficient for 2, 6 is: 0.19217603912 Scott's pi coefficient for 2, 7 is: 0.305882352941 Scott's pi coefficient for 3, 4 is: 0.430740037951 Scott's pi coefficient for 3, 5 is: 0.533827160494 Scott's pi coefficient for 3, 6 is: 0.455066921606 Scott's pi coefficient for 3, 7 is: 0.478976234004 Scott's pi coefficient for 4, 5 is: 0.525389643037 Scott's pi coefficient for 4, 6 is: 0.440628066732 Scott's pi coefficient for 4, 7 is: 0.393382352941 Scott's pi coefficient for 5, 6 is: 0.567765567766 Scott's pi coefficient for 5, 7 is: 0.419576979833 Scott's pi coefficient for 6, 7 is: 0.591041869523 --------------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohen%27s_kappa?oldformat=true Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 2 is: 0.644578313253 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 3 is: 0.649446494465 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 4 is: 0.647713226205 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 5 is: 0.810836806669 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 6 is: 0.610870907968 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 1, 7 is: 0.596823457544 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 2, 3 is: 0.60579064588 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 2, 4 is: 0.605414012739 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 2, 5 is: 0.597222222222 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 2, 6 is: 0.476386687797 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 2, 7 is: 0.535286704474 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 3, 4 is: 0.629858112276 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 3, 5 is: 0.697726544989 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 3, 6 is: 0.647604327666 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 3, 7 is: 0.650521152667 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 4, 5 is: 0.698883572568 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 4, 6 is: 0.648148148148 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 4, 7 is: 0.598540145985 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 5, 6 is: 0.733290280917 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 5, 7 is: 0.623844437361 Cohen's Kappa coefficient for 6, 7 is: 0.739776951673 --------------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleiss%27_kappa?oldformat=true fleiss_kappa coefficient is 0.6319635737016213 For the wikipedia article, using Landis and Koch (1977) table, a value of 0.63* has the interpretation "substantial agreement". Landis, J. R. and Koch, G. G. (1977) "The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data" in Biometrics. Vol. 33, pp. 159–174