CNS - 45 - CP-ABE
Lecture Info
Lecturer: Giuseppe Bianchi
Slides: (51-bilinear_maps.pdf)
Introduction: In this lecture we will see a new crypto approach called ciphertext-policy.
1 What is CP-ABE?
CP-ABE stands for Cipher-Policy Attributed Based Encryption, and its a new type of encryption that is sort of close to an identity-based encryption, but, instead of giving public keys to identities, in this case the public keys are given to certain attributes, which can be controlled by access policies.
1.1 Why is this important?
The usage of CP-ABE is important when we want to implement a remote file storage that guarantees scalability, reliability and security.
In these situations typically one replicates the servers to offer scalability and reliability. In these situations thus the surface attacks becomes much larger. The idea thus is to create an access control frontend, which is usually implemented in the server and which works by taking in the user's request and checking if such request is valid or not. These mechanisms are referred to server-based access control.
Even if the files are encrypted, the important question to answer is: how keys are being managed?
All these problems lead us to CP-ABE.
1.2 Goals of CP-ABE
From a CP-ABE system we wish the following things:
Encrypted files over an untrusted storage.
The setting up of keys is done offline.
No online, trusted party mediating access to files or keys. The access policy that regulate how the files should be managed are contained within the file itself.
Notice that with CP-ABE the policy are within the file but they are not encrypted.
2 Access Control via CP-ABE
The high-level construction on how to obtain AC via CP-ABE is described as follows:
Similarly to how it was done in identity-based encryption, there is a single trusted authority (removed in the 2010 work by Allison Lewko) which has a long-term secret \(s\) and which exposes a public key \(g^s\). This MSK can provide private keys to the people that get authorization to access the data. The main difference is that the local private keys are not related to identities, but rather to set of attributes.
Before starting, the MSK generates for each party the relative private keys with the corresponding attributes.
When someone wants to encrypt the data, a policy access structure is choosen, and the data is encrypted such that only those who own the private keys with a matching policy can read the data.
2.1 Collusion Attacks
The key threat that we have to defend against are the so-called collusion attacks, where an attacker uses attributes from different people to access the data.
The main technical trick of our scheme thus has to prevent collusions.
2.2 Technical Details
We will now see some the technical details of the first scheme introduced to solve this problem. The ingredient for the solution in this case was the usage of a pairing
\[e: G \times G \to G_t\,\,\,\,\,\, e(g^a, g^b) = e(g, g)^{ab}\]
2.2.1 PK and MPK
In this new scheme we have:
Public key (PK):
\[\text{PK} = (g, g^{\beta}, e(g, g)^{\alpha})\]
Master Private Key (MSK):
\[\text{MSK} = (\beta, g^{\alpha})\]
where \(\alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{Z}_p\) are choosen randomly.
2.2.2 Private key generation
Every attribute is given as a string \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n \in \{0, 1\}^*\), and for each attribute a random quantity is generated as well as another single random value \(r, r_{x_1}, r_{x_2}, \ldots, r_{x_n} \in \mathbb{Z}_p\). The idea is to use such value \(r\) to bind these attributes together, so that you cannot mix attributes from different keys.
The private key generates is the following
\[\begin{split} \text{SK} = \Big( &g^{(\alpha + r)/\beta}, \\ &\,\,\, g^{r} \cdot H(x_1)^{r_{x_1}}, g^{r_{x_1}}, \\ &\,\,\, \vdots \\ &\,\,\, g^{r} \cdot H(x_n)^{r_{x_n}}, g^{r_{x_n}}\Big) \\ \end{split}\]
2.2.3 Encryption
Consider now that someone wants to encrypt some data and wants to make such that that data can be decrypted only by those who have both \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) in their attributes.
The idea is to generate two random values \(s\) and \(d\) and two shares, \(s_1 = s - d\) and \(s_2 = d\) and for each attribute \(x_j\) the following ciphertext is created
\[C_j = g^{s_j}, H(x_j)^{s_j}\]
Then, for the whole message I compute
\[C = g^{\beta \cdot s}, \,\,\, \tilde{C} = M \cdot e(g, g)^{\alpha \cdot s}\]
2.2.4 Decryption
Suppose now we want to decrypt and let us assume that we have all the attributes required to do so. For each attribute the user has we have that:
In the ciphertext there is
\[C_j = g^{s_j}, H(x_j)^{s_j}\]
In the secret key of the user there is instead
\[D_j = g^{r_{x_j}}, g^r \cdot H(x_j)^{r_{x_j}}\]
This means that we can do the following
\[\frac{e(g^r \cdot H(x_j)^{r_{x_j}}, \,\,\,\, g^{s_j})}{e(g^{r_{x_j}}, \,\,\,\, H(x_j)^{s_j})} g= \frac{e(g^{r}, \,\,\, g^{s_j}) \cdot e(H(x_j)^{r_{x_j}}, \,\,\,\, g^{s_j})}{e(g^{r_{x_j}}, \,\,\, H(x_j)^{s_j})} = e(g, g)^{r \cdot s_j}\]
\[\begin{split} e(a \cdot b, g) &= e(g^{\alpha} \cdot g^{\beta}, g) \\ &= e(g, g)^{\alpha + \beta} \\ &= e(g, g)^{\alpha} \cdot e(g, g)^{\beta} \\ &= e(g^{\alpha}, g) \cdot e(g^{\beta}, g) \\ &= e(a, g) \cdot e(b, g) \\ \end{split}\]
Notice that at the end of this step we came out with \(e(g, g)^{r \cdot s_j}\), which is a value that depends on a value related to the user \((r)\) and on one share of the secret \((s_j)\). Now that we have extracted the share of the secret associated to the attribute \(x_j\), to put these shares together in the case of a simple AND policy we can just multiply terms
\[A = \prod e(g, g)^{r \cdot s_j} = e(g, g)^{r \cdot (s - d)} \cdot e(g, g)^{r \cdot d} = e(g, g)^{r \cdot s}\]
For more general policies we can simply use the access matrix we discussed in a previous lecture regarding linear secret sharing techniques.
To continue our decryption, since our message was encrypted was \(M \cdot e(g, g)^{\alpha \cdot s}\), and since we only have \(e(g, g)^{r \cdot s}\), we now need to replace the exponent from \(r\) to \(\alpha\). Notice however that our user doesn't know \(r\), for otherwise he/she could cheat and give his/her own \(r\) to another person. To do this we use the two global informations \(C\) and \(\tilde{C}\) and the value present in our private key \(D = g^{(\alpha + r)/\beta}\). By combining these values we get
\[\begin{split} \frac{\tilde{C}}{e(C, D)/A} &= \frac{M \cdot e(g, g)^{\alpha s}}{e(g^{\beta s}, g^{(\alpha + r)/\beta})/ e(g, g)^{r s}} \\ &= M \cdot \frac{e(g, g)^{\alpha s}}{e(g, g)^{\beta s (\alpha + r) / \beta} / e(g, g)^{r s}} \\ &= M \cdot \frac{e(g, g)^{\alpha s}}{e(g, g)^{s \alpha} \cdot e(g, g)^{s r} / e(g, g^{r s})} \\ &= M \cdot \frac{\cancel{e(g, g)^{\alpha s}}}{\cancel{e(g, g)^{s \alpha}} \cdot \cancel{e(g, g)^{s r}} / \cancel{e(g, g^{r s})}} \\ &= M \end{split}\]
2.3 Problems of ABE
Since typicalle ABE makes use of pairings, some issues regarding ABE crypto constructions are:
Security in terms of group size.
Revocation issues.
2.4 CP-ABE Toolkit
There is a library that implements CP-ABE stuff.